Should be studying and working on my Japanese summary, but fuck that shit, I love to do things I shouldn't be doing.
So, I'll update you on Alice Nine shit! *rolls*
So, Alice Nine had their 10th Anniversary live on August 23rd. I was lucky to go, and enjoy the emotional live that it was. My favorite songs were played, and it rained. yay! Who cares if we get sick, we are having fun with Alice Nine.
I also screamed Nao's name as loud as I could, and I am pretty sure that it echoed through the area xD
I mean, I would scream and hear my voice come back to me. And at one point, I heard Nao stomp once. I am not sure if he was doing it as a sign that he hears us, since he does that almost every time I've seen them live. So, I want to believe he stomped on one of his bass drums to let us know he hears us calling his name. ^_^ *warmfuzzyfeelings*
We cried, laughed, and screamed in pure delight as the boys were making out with each other a lot. I mean a lot. xD At one point, during the song, Shou was singing, and I was singing and listening, but there was a muffled sound and no lyrics. I thought, "wait, there are supposed to be lyrics at this part of this song, Shou what are yo-...oh" *sees he was making out with Hiroto*
Since I'm in ClubAlice, and honestly happy that they are getting rid of it. Wasting $50 for nothing really. :(
So, Alice Nine decided to have one last FC live and FC trip.
I am going to try my best to go to both.
And if I can, I'll write up reports on what happened on my adventures.
Until then, hope you guys have a good Fall season!