Friday, January 1, 2016

Good bye 2015 and Hello 2016

     So, we all have that feeling. It's the feeling that you get when you survived that crazy rollercoaster ride, or able to endure the terror of a scary slasher movie. 2015 was a year that has left more than enough people feeling that they really should kiss the ground. Pray to whatever God that you believe in, and just thank them that you are alive.

It was a crazy year for me, but it was truly even crazier for America and Europe.
It started off nice enough, but as soon as summer hit, it was the moment that shit really hit the fan and all hell broke loose. Such as; we all went, "What the hell?" as our mouths hung open and eyes grew wide. Then, when it turned into October and November our wide eyed expression went into shaking heads and pinching the bridge of our nose.
The Republican debates...the endless debates...the many endless debates ....UGH!
The freak out over the Refugee migration in Europe
The freak out over terrorist in America
The increase in gun sales in America, when we should be reaching for the bullet proof vests.
The outrageous idea of banning muslims from entering America? Seriously? That will never be an option, so get over it!

My question is, "What the hell 2015?"
What happened? There was a lot of positives but so much happened that you can't decide to laugh or cry.

My biggest frustration was the Trump running for president. (Btw, no I won't be voting for him)
The man can't be a leader. Especially since he acts like such a big rich bully to the country he says he wants to run. Guys like him should not be taken seriously, and should be ignored. (Probably sent to talk to a therapist)

There was also the mass shootings that happened every single day.
I won't say how I feel about guns, since it's unconstitutional, but yes. Shootings. America needs Jesus...wherever he is.

I am going to just count my blessings.
I graduated University with a BA in Asian Studies.
I moved back from Tokyo to California to be with my family. (This is a 50/50)
I earned a freelance job for a great website -->
I am starting to get my creative juices flowing again. Working on novel ideas.

I am happy to say some good things did happen, but you shouldn't ignore that this country is broken and needs help. I felt this unbelievable pressure that I needed to fix it all by myself. That isn't NOT the case and in fact, we need to work together and make our home livable again.
America is such a great country, and I refuse to believe that we are going to let a bully take over.
(P.S. Trump needs to just shove off.)

Seriously, we really need to look for the light in the dark clouds of confusion. This world is a great place, and we are capable to work together and make things happen. You prove this by showing love, compassion, and grace. I am not hear to preach, but I have some hope that we can make things happen and make.

Look at Japan and Korea! They have finally come to terms about the comfort women issue. It's like the gods are smiling upon us, that two nations that have constantly at each others throats are finally coming to an agreement. HEY! Baby steps, my friends.

2015 was the crazy part that you didn't plan on going to, and things happened. Police got involved. People ran around screaming, windows got smashed, and know one knows who the kid, that is wearing a lamp shade on his head, and in nothing but his underwear is. We can only stand speechless watching people run around and scream know what there is a perfect gif for this.

The Beginning of 2015

then we were like...

from this....

to this...

constantly looking like this

to this... 

then we were like this...

Point is, 2016, don't disappoint us. We are really counting on you to be the ferris wheel or merry-go-round ride of emotions.
Personally for me, I have been stuck on a roller coaster ride that refuses to let me get off each time it finally stops, for 3 years.

Well, here's to 2016!