Monday, November 16, 2015

Red is the new Black

     Fashion and accessories are a form of expression, the same way we draw pictures or write music. Clothes make the person as much as their body language, their choice of words, as well as their actions. What you wear tells people who you are. 

     I have never been very good at dressing myself, but my blonde older sister has always asked for my opinion on most of her outfits through out high school and college. I never thought I had good taste in clothes or what works with what, until someone told me that my sister always looked the best at parties. Then they found out it was me who helped her, which got everyone's attention. After my sister's friend became our roommate, she started asking me too. I was the closest fashion "expert" that they knew, and they trusted my very blunt and honest opinion. So, I thought I only knew how to dress blondes and brunettes, until I realized, redheads are the ones that can wear a potato sack and make it look good.  For years I thought redheads were the hardest people to dress, to only learn that is a myth. In fact, we are the easiest to dress up and can get away with wearing anything. 
     We are truly blessed, because we are the ones that make the dress. If a dress doesn't look good on us, then sorry, that dress is ugly, and shouldn't be worn by anyone. So my fashion tip for all red heads is, wear whatever your heart desires. Clothes are simply cloth sewn together, but redheads make them fashionable.

I usually keep away from animal print, because to me it screams tacky. Not to mention it really clashes with our brilliant red hair. I also stay away from silver and gold, because our pale skin and freckles just get whitened out, and gold looks cheap. My opinion is not meant for every one, and my taste in clothes should be questioned. However, I am simply being honest


    Myth: Redheads can't wear color. 
    Truth: Oh yes they can! 

    Jessica Rabbit is the sexiest 2-D character we all know, and she was able to pull off a Red dress with purple gloves and purple eye shadow. Imagine a blonde or brunette trying to do that. Yup, redheads can wear any color and any shade of that color because it enhances their hair and skin. To look like goddesses and out of this world, leaving many to turn their head. Trust me, redheads can wear color. Now, there are some colors that complement well with red hair, such as; green, red, and believe it, yellow. 

      One day, a couple of years ago, I decided to be bold and wear a yellow dress. I've never got so many complements before. So many people told me how pretty I looked. You have a yellow dress that you like? Go ahead, make people's heads spin! 

Anyone can wear black, and possibly the safest shade of the light spectrum. What many probably get scared of is the light. Give in to the good side, and wear that white pull over. Wearing white actually makes you look radiant and healthy. All because we are pale naturally, wearing white will make you look like you got some sun. Not to mention, your red hair will look amazing. 

     When I say, wear whatever you want, I mean it. You see that cute purple top, go ahead. And trust me, it will look amazing on you. Enjoy that little black dress, and splash around in pastels. One thing I will tell you is that red heads are trend setters. What we wear is going to make people fall in love with it, and want to wear the same thing. This can also be said for red headed men, as well. I don't have experience with dressing redheaded men, because all the boys in my family have brown hair. However, redheaded men can wear about anything, and dare I contradict myself to say, even silver. 

So, if you have holiday parties to go to, and you want to express yourself and be bold. Go for it! I mean it, wear what you will like, because people will talk and tell you that it's not fair that you can make any color work for you, but not them. You can thank your red hair, pale skin, and amazing taste in fashion for that. 

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